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Past members



Dr. Wei Ji (冀伟)

Dr. Eva-Maria Grimm-Günter

Dr. Grimm-Günter started as a PhD student in the Rivero lab at the University of Cologne and continued as a postdoc for two years when the lab moved to the University of Hull, working on the role of plastin 1 in the intestinal epithelium and in the inner ear. She returned to Germany and is now a scientific research coordinator at the Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectious Diseases of the Dusseldorf University Hospital, Germany.


Dr. Sonia Ramos

Dr. Ramos came to our lab at the end of 2000 with a postdoctoral fellowship from the Fundación Ramón Areces. She did all the molecular biology involved in the construction of the plastin 1 knockout mouse model and characterized the human and mouse RhoBTB genes. In February 2003 she returned to Spain and is currently a tenured scientist at the Institue of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Madrid, Spain, working on the metabolism and bioactivity of phytochemicals.



PhD Students


Dr. Jawad Khalil, currently a postdoc in the lab of Prof. Stuart Mundell at the University of Bristol

Dr. Pooja Joshi works as science educator and writer.

Dr. Julia Lutz, currently a multilingual medical information officer at Professional Information Ltd.


Dr. Kristína Schenková, currently scientific assistant at Generatio Sol GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany.


Dr. Georgia Vlahou, currently a scientist at GRS (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit) working on safety issues of nuclear energy facilities.


Dr. Eva-Maria Grimm-Gunter, see above (Postdocs).


Dr. Jessica Berthold works as a scientist at the Reference Laboratory for Molecular and Immunological Markers of Neuroblastoma of the Cologne University Hospital, Germany.


Dr. Carola Neffgen, currently Medical Program Lead at Janssen-Cilag GmbH, Germany.


Dr. Baggavalli P. Somesh is leader of the In-vitro Biology Drug Discovery Group at Connexios Life Sciences R&D, India.


Dr. Markus Wasen went on to become a secondary school teacher, currently at the Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium Pulheim, Germany.


Dr. Claudia Pikzack.



Undergraduate Students


Ms. Basak Onal, currently a PhD student at the School of Biological, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, University of Hull.


Ms. Marion Kopp, currently a scientist at the Policlinic for Dental Prosthetics of the Cologne University Hospital, Germany.





Dr. Farshad Khademi, research scholar at Dalhousie University, Canada.





Mr. Prahlad Raninga, currently PhD Scholar at Griffith University, Australia.

Ms. Ann-Kathrin Meyer

Ms. Alexandra Ley

Ms. Heidrun Dislich







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